Combine clips corel video studio x9
Combine clips corel video studio x9

combine clips corel video studio x9

I saved, and checked video/audio synch and it was all OK. Then parts cut out and substitutes dragged in. Then one of these was exported in m2t format, imported into the other, then split up and the parts put in the top right of the Editing window. Its like 2 projects were worked on, both using MCE, then transferred to the main timeline. The current project has been different in that we have used most of the recording from one session, and some recording from another session has been substituted in certain parts. Previously the one session with least mistakes was chosen for video editing. The drama/musicals are run over multiple nights and all sessions are recorded. I have made probably 2 projects previously where the editing went well with no synchronization issues. I put in Transitions (usually 1 second) in MCE during the songs.

combine clips corel video studio x9

I am familiar with Ripple Editing and so I lock the video and audio tracks. I use Multi-camera editing in my projects as I work with amateur drama/musicals with 2 or 3 consumer level Canon video cameras, and sound recorded separately from a sound desk. I have an SSD for Windows and programs, and a 3Tb hard drive for documents and data.

Combine clips corel video studio x9 windows 10#

I am on Windows 10 with a Core i5 (2nd gen) with 16GB RAM and a Nvidia GT440 which I have been running OK with Smart Proxy if I leave it for a while after enabling. It appears to be that some transitions which were OK and saved earlier have now disappeared. Next day I open the project, and check the synchronization at the beginning and end, and while the beginning is OK, its out of synch at some stages before at the end. I have a weird issue where where the video/audio remain in synch in a project (even after manually saving) until I close VS down for the day.

Combine clips corel video studio x9